It's The Perfect Time of Year to Visit Beautiful Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

The military base in the harbor gives a feeling of safety and security, as welling as adding numerous eligible, clean-cut,  sailors to the nightlife.
Come now and visit beautiful southern Hawaii's most undiscovered tourist attraction: Pearl Harbor.  The beauty of the harbor will amaze and astound you. 

From the sandy beaches to the nearby military base, you will never be without a beautiful vista.

With the sounds of war escalating in Europe there has never been a better time to travel domestically. Hawaii offers all of the comforts of the mainland with the perks and excitement of foreign atmosphere. 

Great food, fine lodging, wonderful people and exotic culture make Pearl Harbor a must see.

Take this quiz for a chance to win an all expense paid trip to Pearl Harbor.


If you win we will contact you today and have you on the island first thing in the morning.


If you can't visit Pearl Harbor now, plan a trip with us for later and get a discounted price.  All of the excitement, at a lower cost. 

With all of the beautiful scenery and a simply jiving night life.  Visiting Pearl Harbor is a great way to kill those early December blues! 

Even though you are on a tiny island, there are still automobiles in Pearl Harbor.  Take tours of the beautiful unsoiled landscapes in and around the harbor.

The sailors are more than willing to pose for photos and give no-nonsense tours of the base and surrounding areas

Fine dining abounds in Pearl Harbor.  You will never be left hungry when you stay here.

Page Updated: December 6, 1941

Copyright Pearl Harbor Tourism Bureau