Beat of India brings the vibrancy and richness of the folk music of India to the World Wide Web Business Culture in India - Information to understand the culture of India in business relations. Cultural India The Indian culture is unique and varied. This section on culture of India contains information on various aspects of the great Indian culture. Culture of India The culture of India is vast and unique. This site discusses Indian culture, cuisine, history, marriages, religion, festivals, society, education, etc. Culturopedia is the treasure house of India's Culture and Heritage. It tries to expose you to the culture and heritage of India, it's customs and people, and the art and architectural heritage of India. Incredible India "The Know India pulldown menu" on this site offers much information on India. Also, search for areas of tourist interest in India. India culture Our manners, way of communicating with one another, etc are one of the important components of our culture. A person can change his way of clothing, way of eating and living but the rich values in a person always remains unchanged because they are deeply rooted within the heart, mind, body and soul India Culture, Information on Indian Culture, Indian Art and Culture "If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home . . . it is India!" The culture of India is one of the oldest cultures known to humanity. The name India evokes vivid images of flowing saris, sounds of crowded streets and the perfume of curry and sandlewood mingling in warm breezes. Sights, sounds and smells hit the senses simultaneously. MusicIndiaOnline contains a variety of music from Indian culture.